Each design is taken from one of my larger illustrations, illustrating the symbolism of nature’s cycles and the seasons.
The skull mandala showcases the transition from day to night in the ring of sun and moon positions. While the fox skull is an obvious sign of death, it also represents new beginnings and the transformation that comes with inevitable endings.
The morning glory also symbolizes renewal, rebirth, and spiritual awakening. Each flower opens at dawn and dies by the end of the day. But, as one flower withers another is waiting to open.
Cicadas are a well-known emblem of transformation. Each life cycle starts with their emergence as a wingless nymph, changing as their exoskeleton hardens and they emerge once again from their hardened shells as the familiar winged insect we hear in the summer time.
Sardonyx is a variant of banded agate and represents protection, courage, and confidence.